Who Cares about Truth?

Yesterday my wife read me a quote from a man who was asked why he supported President Donald Trump. The man said, “Because he tells the truth.” That answer is very much at odds with my assessment. I was in...

The Subject is Power

“What parts of our old way of doing things can we bury now and not bring with us into life after Covid 19?” That was a question I asked in this blog at the end of April (“Back to Normal?”)...

Wisdom of the Heart

Let me be clear at the beginning. Saying that each life matters is not the same as saying that all lives matter. There is a crucial distinction between the two. I was reminded of this distinction twice this week as...

Image Nation

In the middle of the national upheaval from the death of George Floyd some people have used a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. to explain the rioting: “A riot is the language of the unheard.” That is true but...


The world is out of control. The Novel Corona Virus is out of control. Our attempts to get the virus under control have put our economy and our public life out of control. And now our attempts to take back...

Back to Normal?

We are currently living in between. Two months ago we were going about our business, with routines, plans, and dreams, confident that each new day would proceed in a similar manner to the day before or to many of the...

The Comfort of the Stars

When I am down, when I feel lonely or misunderstood, when I feel like I’ve failed or that I’ve hurt someone I love, when I need some encouragement and am aware enough to seek it, I spend some time with...

Shattered Expectations

I had great hopes for Twitter: Limiting the number of characters a writer could use would force people to think–and to get their thoughts clear– before they wrote.  If you are going to say something worth saying in 144 characters...

The Character of Thought

Two of the important themes of this blog are “character” and “how we think.” If you look at the tabs cloud in the sidebar you’ll see that Character and Thought patterns both have high values. But until this week I hadn’t...

Living Cartography

I have this map in my head which I am continually updating and refining, correcting and adding to as I incorporate both visual maps and actual experience. My map helps me get places and going places helps me draw the...