Monthly Archives: June 2018

Writing to Learn

In my last post I wrote myself out onto a limb and almost cut it off behind me.  In part I was led out onto the limb by the author of the the book I was relying on for insight,...

The Stain of Privilege

I was leaving the parking lot of The Home Depot in Seaside and I just missed the light.  So I was the first car he showed his sign to.  He had caught me at a weak moment.  I dug in...

Thinking Like a Gardener

I helped Nancy make a fruit salad for a luncheon today.  It tasted good but it wasn’t quite like the fruit salad I used to make with home grown melons and grapes and nectarines.  No matter how good the produce...

The Irony of Faith

This past week, as I was working on a sermon about the fruits of the spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) I was struck by a contradiction in how we talk about “faith.”  At first I thought about this contradiction as a paradox,...