Monthly Archives: September 2018

Deep-diving Ducks

I have been accused of being a deep-diving duck.  My wife accused me of this, in different words, only yesterday. I like to dive down to the depths of things, in both the literal and the metaphorical senses. As a...

Found in Translation

When I write or when I speak I want people to listen and to think.  That is going to be particularly difficult for me this coming Sunday as I present Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from memory in the worship...

Let It Seep Down and Soak In

What does it mean to have faith?  How can we begin to think and talk about faith in a way that keeps the conversation going? One of the difficulties of answering this question popped up in an essay which Richard Rohr...

The Tended Garden

Each morning, our dog and I go for a walk.  We take the same route, through a neighborhood of small houses with even smaller yards.  After a couple hundred of these walks I am still noticing new things. There are...