Posts filed under: “How?” So…

The Subject is Power

“What parts of our old way of doing things can we bury now and not bring with us into life after Covid 19?” That was a question I asked in this blog at the end of April (“Back to Normal?”)...

Shattered Expectations

I had great hopes for Twitter: Limiting the number of characters a writer could use would force people to think–and to get their thoughts clear– before they wrote.  If you are going to say something worth saying in 144 characters...

The Character of Thought

Two of the important themes of this blog are “character” and “how we think.” If you look at the tabs cloud in the sidebar you’ll see that Character and Thought patterns both have high values. But until this week I hadn’t...

Living Cartography

I have this map in my head which I am continually updating and refining, correcting and adding to as I incorporate both visual maps and actual experience. My map helps me get places and going places helps me draw the...

A Failure to Communicate

Could it be that the source of our current political impasse and hyper-partisan public discourse could be summed up in a memorable line from Cool Hand Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”? I just finished reading a...

Found in Translation

When I write or when I speak I want people to listen and to think.  That is going to be particularly difficult for me this coming Sunday as I present Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from memory in the worship...

Let It Seep Down and Soak In

What does it mean to have faith?  How can we begin to think and talk about faith in a way that keeps the conversation going? One of the difficulties of answering this question popped up in an essay which Richard Rohr...

Launch of Markings

Markings, my notes on the Bible, is now available on this site for your use.  (The New Testament section is current while the Hebrew Scriptures section is still under construction.) This resource began as a set of 3″x5″ cards more...

The Danger of Disconnected Doctrine

One of the common themes of this blog is the danger of disconnected doctrine.  The clearest example of this for me comes when grace becomes a doctrine and ceases to be a way of life; such as a sermon on the...

Writing to Learn

In my last post I wrote myself out onto a limb and almost cut it off behind me.  In part I was led out onto the limb by the author of the the book I was relying on for insight,...