Posts filed under: “How?” So…

Thinking Like a Gardener

I helped Nancy make a fruit salad for a luncheon today.  It tasted good but it wasn’t quite like the fruit salad I used to make with home grown melons and grapes and nectarines.  No matter how good the produce...

The Laugh Will Be First

Yesterday we needed to stop by the grocery store on our way home so we took an unusual route.  While waiting to make a left hand turn I noticed three women at the bus stop across the street.  It didn’t...

Waking from a Nap

A couple of weeks ago I read an interesting collection of quotes on the website, Brain Pickings, “Nobel-Winning Physicist Niels Bohr on Subjective vs. Objective Reality and the Uses of Religion in a Secular World.” I couldn’t agree more. In...

Think Like an Angel

I’ve been working on writing this post for four days now.  It started from an insight I had on Saturday.  I was ready to publish it on Monday morning, but it couldn’t pass my editor.  So I began a process...

Mark’s Law of Self-deception

A caveat to begin with:  It is easy for me to deceive myself about my lack of self-deception.  This is a given of human life in the same way that it is easy to be proud of my humility, or...


Many years ago my our family inherited a couple of goats, Prudence and Saphire.  We were renting a farmhouse and so we had a space for them to roam about in.  But we needed to purchase some alfalfa hay to...


Somewhere deep inside I have always known that all that I have and all that I am I have received as a gift.  The world is here; it is a given.  My life and my consciousness are givens.  I think...

A place to begin

As I continue to study the life of Jesus of Nazareth I am beginning to see how his thought and teaching and life reflect a third type of consistency, —not only scriptural and internal—a living consistency.  The example that comes most...