General References
Sermon, "The Sermon on the Mount"
My translation — Sermon on the Mount (PDF)
Eberhard Arnold, Salt and Light, p. 2
Salt and Light
Stanley Hauerwas, “Living the Proclaimed Reign of God,” Interpretation (April 1993), p. 152-158
Stanley Hauerwas, “Repentance: A Lenten Meditation,” Minding the Web, p. 212
"Repentance: A Lenten Meditation"
Stanley Hauerwas, “Living the Proclaimed Reign of God,” Interpretation (April 1993), p. 152-158
Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon, Resident Aliens, p. 69-89
Garrison Keillor, Leaving Home, p. 226
Leaving Home
As the Lord would have said in the Sermon on the Mount if he had had time, “Blessed are those who arrive early wait to be seated and sit where they are told.” The ushers at that service would have been called Mounties, and they’d have passed out bulletins, (“Peter and Andrew went fishing last week and caught so many that their nets almost broke—way to go guys!”) in addition to loaf and fish distribution.
Kathleen Norris, “Mysteries of the Incarnation: II. Imperatives,” Little Girls in Church, p. 62
“Mysteries of the Incarnation: II. Imperatives”
Look at the birds
Consider the lilies
Drink ye all of it
Enter by the narrow gate
Do not be anxious
Judge not; do not give dogs what is holy
Go: be it done for you
Do not be afraid
Maiden, arise
Young man, I say, arise
Stretch out your hand
Stand up, be still
Rise, let us be going …
Remember me
John Howard Yoder, The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited, p. 140