The Question

On my daily walk with our dog the other morning a question popped into my mind. It was a new question for me; one that I have never heard asked in quite the way I was asking it. Later that...

Listen to the Water

This is my first post in more than a month. I took a break from writing as we have been traveling to visit family for the past month. Before returning home a couple of days ago, my wife and I...

Comprehending the Light

     Forty years ago this Christmas, my wife and I created some home-made Christmas cards.  We dripped some red wax on the cover in the form of a candle, glued on some small sprigs of cedar, and then painted...

A Failure to Communicate

Could it be that the source of our current political impasse and hyper-partisan public discourse could be summed up in a memorable line from Cool Hand Luke: “What we have here is a failure to communicate”? I just finished reading a...

Healthy Delight

Last week my wife and I joined a few hundred other citizens in a political demonstration in our town.  We stood along a busy intersection to attract the attention of the endless stream of people driving by.  Some of us...

Timeless Insight

When have you noticed God at work?  What is the first sign which leads you to suspect that God may be at work? In The Star Thrower, Loren Eiseley writes about “discerning in the flow of ordinary events the point at which...

Speaking of Character …

I ended my last post with this invitation/challenge:  “I invite you to experiment with thinking about God in terms of desire and character instead of first applying a paradigm of intentions, designs and plans.  Give it a try.” Here’s a...

God’s Character Matters

How do we live a full life?  What is that manner of life which leaves the world a better place? My answer to these two questions is based on two fundamental beliefs: Character matters God becomes incarnate in human lives...

Deep-diving Ducks

I have been accused of being a deep-diving duck.  My wife accused me of this, in different words, only yesterday. I like to dive down to the depths of things, in both the literal and the metaphorical senses. As a...

Found in Translation

When I write or when I speak I want people to listen and to think.  That is going to be particularly difficult for me this coming Sunday as I present Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount from memory in the worship...