Let It Seep Down and Soak In

What does it mean to have faith?  How can we begin to think and talk about faith in a way that keeps the conversation going? One of the difficulties of answering this question popped up in an essay which Richard Rohr...

The Tended Garden

Each morning, our dog and I go for a walk.  We take the same route, through a neighborhood of small houses with even smaller yards.  After a couple hundred of these walks I am still noticing new things. There are...

Launch of Markings

Markings, my notes on the Bible, is now available on this site for your use.  (The New Testament section is current while the Hebrew Scriptures section is still under construction.) This resource began as a set of 3″x5″ cards more...

Thirst for Life

One of the themes of this blog is that the word continues to become flesh and that the point of reading and studying the Bible is to embody its words in our lives.  Here is another take on that theme....


What do you do to keep from panic in the midst of an immediate crisis?  When it is going from bad to worse, and everything seems to be out of your control, and there is no one you can turn...

The Danger of Disconnected Doctrine

One of the common themes of this blog is the danger of disconnected doctrine.  The clearest example of this for me comes when grace becomes a doctrine and ceases to be a way of life; such as a sermon on the...

The Power of Plain Speech

In a couple of weeks I am going to be performing the wedding of my niece and her fiancé.  At the end of the ceremony I will say, “By the authority given to me … I now pronounce you husband...

Writing to Learn

In my last post I wrote myself out onto a limb and almost cut it off behind me.  In part I was led out onto the limb by the author of the the book I was relying on for insight,...

The Stain of Privilege

I was leaving the parking lot of The Home Depot in Seaside and I just missed the light.  So I was the first car he showed his sign to.  He had caught me at a weak moment.  I dug in...

Thinking Like a Gardener

I helped Nancy make a fruit salad for a luncheon today.  It tasted good but it wasn’t quite like the fruit salad I used to make with home grown melons and grapes and nectarines.  No matter how good the produce...