Posts tagged with: Thought patterns

The Comfort of the Stars

When I am down, when I feel lonely or misunderstood, when I feel like I’ve failed or that I’ve hurt someone I love, when I need some encouragement and am aware enough to seek it, I spend some time with...

The Character of Thought

Two of the important themes of this blog are “character” and “how we think.” If you look at the tabs cloud in the sidebar you’ll see that Character and Thought patterns both have high values. But until this week I hadn’t...

Speaking of Character …

I ended my last post with this invitation/challenge:  “I invite you to experiment with thinking about God in terms of desire and character instead of first applying a paradigm of intentions, designs and plans.  Give it a try.” Here’s a...

The Danger of Disconnected Doctrine

One of the common themes of this blog is the danger of disconnected doctrine.  The clearest example of this for me comes when grace becomes a doctrine and ceases to be a way of life; such as a sermon on the...

The Laugh Will Be First

Yesterday we needed to stop by the grocery store on our way home so we took an unusual route.  While waiting to make a left hand turn I noticed three women at the bus stop across the street.  It didn’t...

Think Like an Angel

I’ve been working on writing this post for four days now.  It started from an insight I had on Saturday.  I was ready to publish it on Monday morning, but it couldn’t pass my editor.  So I began a process...

Invitation to Imagine

Welcome to a new blog!  This post is an introduction.  There are some previous posts as I was trying to get my thoughts together.  Check some of them out after reading this one. With this blog, I invite you to...